ST02-高性能收缩膜POF高性能收缩膜低温收缩效果好,它的收缩温度几乎和PVC收缩膜一样。同时收缩速度快,封口强度好,收缩率可以达到70%以上,所以ST06-POF低温高性能收缩膜能在恶劣的情况下达到客户所需的包装效果。ST06-POF低温高性能收缩膜还具有低收缩力功能,并且热滑性也很好。 特点 1.在120℃时达到收缩效果 2.110℃-180℃的广泛收缩温度范围 3.1.5秒的快速收缩 4.收缩率好 5.封口温度低 6.高强度封口 7.撕裂强度高 8.低收缩力性能 9.热滑性性能 10.可以静电封口 This is a perfect shrink film. It can help you solve nearlyall shrinking difficulties. ST06 -POF High perfiormance shrink film has excellent low shrink temperature property. Its shrink temperature is nearly the same as PVC shrink film's. With quick shrink. good seal strength and over 70% shrinkage.ST06-POF High perfiormance shrink film can perform perfectly even under the worst shrink cond1t1ons. ST06-POF High perfiormance shrink film also has low shrink force function and good hot slip property Features· 1、 Exceptional shrinkage under 1200. 2、 Broad shrink temperature range, from1100C -1800C. 3、 Owck shrink in 1.5 seconds. 4 、 Excellent shrinkage. 5、 Low sealing temperature. 6 、 Superior seal strength. 7, Strong tear resistance. 8、 Low shrink force property. 9、 Outstanding hot slip prope门v afler shrinkage. 1 O、 Overlap static sealing property |